Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Timeline 1-12 months

1 month

In the first month your baby wight will drop about 10% after birth. Sleeps 16 hours a day and gains 2 pounds per month a month and 1 oz a day. The baby still won't be able to lift its head up. Their eye sight are still adjusting, and can only see 8-12 in. away.

2 month

In the second month the baby is grown about 2 in. The baby will have more movement. The baby can lift its head when on his/her stomach. It can respond to sound and smile. More likely to respond to sound.

3 month
The growth rate is not as fast as the first two months. Able to follow objects and move its head 180 degrees. The baby hand will be in a fist have of the time.

4 month

gains 1 lb a month, the baby will try to stand when is being held. the baby will always be moving its hands and feet.

5 month
Transfer objects from hand to mouth. Movement and activity,

6 to 8 months

Are more aware of parents. The baby can hold the bottle on its own. it prefers the mother to carry it.
9 to 10 months
babies first real words like "mama". baby wails holding on to stuff. can play games such as peek a boo.
11 to 12 month
can walk on its own. likes to play on its own, called parallel play not with other. the baby can drink on its own.

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